The luxury segment, particularly fashion has a high environmental footprint and is responsible for a significant amount of waste. The world is realizing that better use must be made of precious natural resources. Today, with the enrichment of people's awareness on environment problems and the demand of environment-friendly fabric, natural fibers have received a great deal of attention due to their great importance of "green" and health protection properties.
We are commited to reducing our impact on fresh water resources by ensuring that all our supply chain follows the same international standards which we do and we work together in cooperation in continuous search for new processes that promote the more responsible use of water.
We are committed to develop plans and act to reduce our water consumtion and waste production. We have promoted projects to reintroduce the factory waste as raw material for other processes and have implemented efficient programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to this we have initiated programs with international leading brands where key goals are focused on combating climate change, protecting the oceans and restoring biodiversity.
We are dedicated towards responsible use of our natural resources in our supply chain thereby promoting raw materials which encourage biodiversity conservation. We are associated with international groups like BETTER COTTON INITIATIVE (BCI), GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE STANDARDS (GOTS) in order to promote responsible use of our valuable natural resources and thereby contributing in conservation of our endangered forests.
We are committed in reducing our consumption of plastic in our entire supply chain or we reuse our plastic in our supply chain activities, allowing them to be reintroduced in circuit and reducing unnecessary plastic use for packaging.
We are focused on developing products that can be recycled by using recyclable raw materials and better waste management programmes, we are also focused to introduce in near future a program of recollection so our customers can give second life to garment which they no longer use.
We work towards responsible management of natural resources in our supply chain. To do so, we promote the use of raw materials that encourage biodiversity protection in our garments, in our product packaging and in our store furniture. We work with international groups such as better cotton initiative, organic cotton accelerator, sustainable apparel coalition and textile exchange, among others, to promote responsible management of natural resources throughout the sector. Likewise, we support the canopystyle initiative to protect endangered forests in the production of cellulose fibres.
We work throughout our supply chain ensuring safe and hygienic working environment to our workers. We are also associated with Govt of India in there CSR (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY) program ensuring development of our community based on social welfare, education and humanitarian aid programmes.
We ensure that the working conditions of workers are well respected in our entire production chain and thereby ensuring we follow an ethical code of conduct along with our efforts in developing a more reliable and sustainable supply chain.
We ensure to our level best that all the raw materials grown by the farmers are grown in a sustainable manner that benefits everyone from farmers to consumer. We are also associated with organizations which provide training and monitoring programmes to farmers ensuring that they adopt best practices in the farming processes